Chris Gough

Where were you before starting coaching?

Motivation problems, difficulty sticking to a structure, lack of understanding of diet and nutrition, and in need of creating healthy habits to replace old bad ones.

Why did you choose to work with your trainer?

I felt Johnathan could help to guide me on a path to a better lifestyle. Having a weekly session would give be accountability as well and something to work towards.

What have you achieved so far working with your trainer?

A better understanding training and diet, the ability to craft my own workouts using the weekly options I have been taught, and also I have found my life to be far more structured even through times of Covid.

By working with my trainer I learned how to

By working with my trainer I learned how to get the most out of my workouts, I achieve a PB in strength training in the Gym, and now feel far better equipped to take on any physical challenges that I might pursue in the future.

Why should someone hire your trainer, and their personality, methods and way of coaching?

Train MBS really takes the client into consideration and is always thinking of ways to improve their experience. They cater to your needs not only on a weekly basis, but in the long term.

If someone is on the fence / nervous / or has fears about starting PT - Why should they take the leap?

MBS will give you an exercise program that suits you, and not just that suits the majority. You can go at your pace and still enjoy every minute of it.