Pauline Scott

Where were you before starting coaching?

At 59, I struggled to climb the stairs to my 2nd floor flat and was seriously considering carrying a walking stick because I would fall occasionally when out.  I had a sedentary job, drove everywhere and avoided any kind of exertion. I was embracing my inner, little, old lady but was reluctant to accept declining mobility and infirmity as an inevitable part of the ageing process.  

Why did you choose to work with your trainer?

I’ve been attending one to one PT sessions with Craig since December 2018. I was nervous that PT sessions were only for people that were already fit and who wanted to get to the next level. Craig reassured me that all fitness levels were catered for and he had worked with older clients before. We agreed that my goal of choosing to have an active lifestyle because I enjoyed it rather than because I had to do it was realistic and achievable.

What have you achieved so far working with your trainer?

The gym is a welcoming environment and is not filled with complicated machines or intimidating people. I look forward to my PT sessions and enjoy working with Craig. He encourages me to work hard. My programme is varied and tailored around me. It concentrates on building my strength and stability. I have a shoulder joint problem and Craig modifies exercises to ensure it is not aggravated. He advises me on exercises I can do at home and at a local gym.

By working with my trainer I learned how to

I have noticed big improvements in what I can do in my day to day life. I am stronger, I choose to walk rather than drive, I even take the stairs to my sixth floor office. Most importantly I have greater confidence in my physical abilities and no longer place limitations on what I think I can do.