Gavin Deeprose

Where were you before starting coaching?

My biggest problem was stress, time pressure and irregular physical exercise.

Why did you choose to work with your trainer?

My main aim initially was simply to increase activity levels each week.

What have you achieved so far working with your trainer?

I have increased activity levels considerably. In addition to my weekly sessions with Train, I have started cycling and karate and working with kettlebells at home. I have also done a number of the Train online workouts on the Train community app.

By working with my trainer I learned how to

In addition to learning about gym equipment, technique and nutrition I’ve learnt a lot about the importance of exercise for energy levels, relaxation and mood as well as lots of other things!

Why should someone work with Train MBS? What makes Train different from your perspective?

Train MBS are hugely knowledgeable and passionate about exercise and all things to do with mental and physical health. The weekly sessions are fun and varied and tailored to your specific goals and there’s weekly check-ins too, to ensure you keep on track.

If someone is on the fence / nervous / or has fears about starting PT - Why should they take the leap?

Don’t worry about it or wait for another time. Just do it. You’ll soon notice results.