Jennifer Gilbert

Where were you before starting coaching?

I had never managed any sort of structured exercise and was really unfit. I wanted someone to teach me what to do and to do it properly and felt the only way was to get a PT involved. Every time I joined a gym before I would go to one or 2 classes and never go back again, it was a revolving circle for me.

Why did you choose to work with your trainer?

Craig immediate made me feel relaxed and at ease when I met with him. I find gyms really daunting but I didn't feel this way at Train, which for me, was a massive help.

What have you achieved so far working with your trainer?

I am much fitter and can really tell the difference in what I can manage now, compared to where I started. My strength has improved greatly and I am lifting weights that I never thought were possible. Most importantly, a year on in, and I am still interested and keen to keep working out, this has Never happened before. No more worrying about going ti the gym for me, now I look forward to it and even on days where I can't really be bothered, I always leave feeling great. I still have a way to go, but I'm getting there and I feel so much better than I did a year ago.

By working with my trainer I learned how to

I have learned that this is a journey, a process and that it is important not to be tough on myself. Life challenges happen and that is OK, some weeks are better than others and that is OK too. Craig has really helped me change my outlook on what to expect from myself and to balance how much I give to others when it negatively impacts on my own life too.

Why should someone hire your trainer, and their personality, methods and way of coaching?

Every session is different so you are never bored. It is great to have someone teaching you what to do and inspiring you to push yourself to give more. Apart from anything else, it is fun and much better than stumbling into a big gym on your own and hoping for the best.

If someone is on the fence / nervous / or has fears about starting PT - Why should they take the leap?

I was really nervous about starting, my anxieties were crazy but I immediately realised that I had made the correct choice by choosing Train. There is no pressure from the trainers, no added expectations, everything you do is at your own pace, but with incredible support and encouragement. I would say if you are worried about anything, pop in, have a chat, and you will see for yourself what a brilliant environment there is.