Debbie Ferguson

Where were you before starting coaching?

I was in a rut where I wasn't feeling good about myself, either physically or mentally. It had gone on for a little while and I got to the point I was fed up feeling that way when I knew I could do something to improve it. After a point, you can't continue to moan or feel shit about things if you're not willing to do something to fix it...

Why did you choose to work with your trainer?

I knew myself well enough to know that I wasn't disciplined or confident enough to go to a gym on my own, so decided training with a PT was the best way to keep me accountable and maintain motivation. I researched a few different places in the area and Train MBS was the one that really struck a chord, with a focus not just on the physical aspect but the mind and soul too. Straight away from the first email I got back from CJay, I knew it was the right fit for me.

What have you achieved so far working with your trainer?

I can't emphasise enough how positive the impact has been on my life. I am by no means a gym bunny but I have surprised myself with some of the things I have achieved that I wouldn't have thought possible. I am more confident, fitter and stronger and I have learned that the thing I thought I would hate (weights) is the thing I love the most - it's an amazing feeling to lift something you couldn't get off the ground previously and is a really tangible way of seeing progress. One of the most important things CJay has taught me is that it's not a straightforward, linear journey. There are ups and downs, you fall off the wagon, you feel guilty about it - CJay gives me ways to deal with that so it doesn't need to be a disaster and I can get back on track.

By working with my trainer I learned how to

- Deadlift 102kg...

- Box...

- Have more confidence in myself

- Have fun at the gym

- Make better nutritional choices:

CJay has taught me a lot about making 'sensible choices'! I will always enjoy things like wine and cheese and I don't want to banish them from my diet completely - CJay has given me tools and ways to take a more balanced approached to allow me to still live the life I want, but with a more measured approach. I now feel fitter, stronger and happier than before I started.

Why should someone hire your trainer, and their personality, methods and way of coaching?

As mentioned, I am not a natural gym-goer... CJay is realistic enough to know that certain methods won't work for me and gives me tools / adapts training programmes to find something that will. His attention to detail and motivational skills are second to none, I am inspired by him to be better in all fitness-related aspects of my life. I said to CJay at my initial consultation that, for me to remain motivated, it had to be fun and varied and he has brought that to every session since!

If someone is on the fence / nervous / or has fears about starting PT - Why should they take the leap?

I was terrified of going to the gym and always envisaged it to be a really intimidating environment. When I look back, I am sometimes surprised that I actually went in the door that first night but I am so glad I did and have never looked back - the entire team at Train make you feel welcome, there is nothing pretentious or intimidating about it. And the sessions are fun, which is really important to me. You will be made to work hard but you will see results, other people will see results and you will spend most of your sessions laughing.